Papers presented at past SELA academic gatherings are available here. To view the papers, select one of the annual conferences.
Gender and Equality
Buenos Aires, Argentina
June 6-9, 2019
The Nature of Rights: Their Value and Drawbacks
Jamal Greene: “Rights Absolutism”
Daniela Salazar & “Advocating for Women's Rights in the Era of the Rule
Shelley Cavalieri: of Rights”
Verónica Undurraga: “Translating empirical evidence into constitutional language”
Commentator: Fernando Atria
Court-centered Strategies of Advocacy
Lidia Casas: “Chile’s ‘win-win’ abortion law (for its opponents)”
Isabel Jaramillo: “Aggressive certiorari grants for structural interventions in Colombian abortion cases”
Rocío Villanueva: “Violence against women, legal reasoning, and corruption”
Commentator: Tracy Robinson
Politically-centered Strategies of Advocacy
Paola Bergallo: “‘Shifting legal visions’ in the context of abortion law reform”
Emiliano Buis: “Reproducing discourse: emotional language in the debates over abortion in Argentina”
Commentator: Francisca Pou Giménez
The Impact of Competing Ideals: Conscience, the Sanctity of Life, and the Intimacy of Family
Rodolfo Figueroa: “Term-based abortion in Chile’s constitutional jurisprudence”
Eliezer Gomes da Silva: “Femicide as an enduring global issue”
Doug NeJaime & Reva Siegel: “Conscience Wars”
Commentator: Noah Novogrodsky
Sexual Harassment in the University
Jaime Couso: “Sexual assault and harassment on campuses: fairness for victims and defendants?”
Mónica González Contró: “Using university policy to combat sexual harassment”
Pedro Salazar Ugarte: “Affirmative consent in university policies”
Commentator: Pablo Ruiz-Tagle
Autonomy as a Constitutional Value
Mylai Burgos: “Autonomy in the new Cuban constitution”
Laura Saldivia: “The paradigm of autonomy: analyzing the depathologization of body practices”
Commentator: Martín Farrell
The Construction of Difference
Chloé Georas: “From Sexual Explicitness to Invisibility in Resistance Art: Coloniality, Rape Culture and Technology”
Alejandro Madrazo: “La Patria: Rape, Territory and National Identity”
Thula Pires: “The Limits of Democracy in Ladin Amefrica”
Commentator: Carol Rose
SELA 2015
Twenty Years of SELA
Friday, June 20: The Evolution of Society
Panel 1: The Politics of Economics
Mariana Pargendler: Law and Economics in the South: the Role of Brazilian Courts (English) (Spanish)
Claire Priest: The Stamp Act and American Institutional and Economic History (English)
Commentator: Francisco Saffie
Panel 2: Economic and Social Rights
Carlos Alzugaray: The Political Logic Behind the Process of “Updating the Economic Model in Cuba”
Fernando Atria: Social Contract, Social Rights, Socialism (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Rodolfo Figueroa
Panel 3: Strategies for Development
Ximena Benavides: Economic Development and State Owned Enterprises (English)
Rodrigo Polanco: Lessons Learned and Lessons to Be Learned: Investment Law and Development for Developed Countries (Spanish) (English)
Mariana Mota Prado: Institutional Bypasses in Brazil: Overcoming Ex-Ante Resistance to Institutional Reforms (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Eleonora Lozano
Saturday, June 21: The Work of the Founders
Panel 4: Owen Fiss on the Modern Democratic State: Free Speech and Adjudication
Victor Ferreres: Arbitration, Democracy and the Rule of Law: Some Reflections on Owen Fiss’s Theory (Spanish) (English)
Carol Rose: Owen, Me, and the Siege of Chicago (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: George Priest
Panel 5: Owen Fiss on Equality and Community
Lucas Grosman: Antisubordination and Beyond (English)
Roberto Saba: The Legal Academy According to Owen Fiss (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Carlos Rosenkrantz
Panel 6: Robert Burt and the Dignity of the Individual Spirit
Mary Beloff & Laura Clerico: The Right to Dignity and Vulnerable Groups (Spanish) (English)
Laura Saldivia: The Right to Gender Identity in Argentina: Context, Originality, and the Need for World-Wide Promotion (Spanish)
Commentator: Martin Böhmer
Panel 7: The Constitution in Conflict: Robert Burt and Judicial Supremacy
Marcio Grandchamp: Judicial Authority, Egalitarianism, and the Demands of Justice (English) (Spanish)
Pedro Salazar: One Case, Four Postulates, and a Sincere Concern (With Regards Constitutional Justice in Mexico) (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Pablo Ruiz-Tagle
Sunday, June 22: Rights at Risk
Panel 8: Judges and Human Rights
Julieta Lemaitre: Civilization, Barbarism, and the War on Drugs: The Normalization of Violent Death in Mexico and Colombia (Spanish)
Eliezer Gomes da Silva: Human Rights at the State Level: National Human Rights Institutions and Ministérios Públicos in Latin America – beyond the Paris Principles (Portuguese) (English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Alejandro Madrazo
Panel 9: Freedom of Expression and Collective Self-Government
Paula Ahumada: Freedom of Expression in Latin America: From Protecting Dissent to the Necessity of a Public and Robust Debate (Spanish) (English)
Mylai Burgos & Julio Cesar Guanche: Citizen Participation in the Cuban State (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Eduardo Bertoni
Human Rights: Theoretical Possibilities and Practical Challenges
Thursday, June 6
Keynote: David Dyzenhaus, Law as Public Conscience
Friday, June 7
Panel 1: What are Rights?
Marisa Iglesias -- A Margin of Appreciation Doctrine for the European Convention on Human Rights: In Search of a Balance between Democracy and Rights in the International Sphere [Spanish] [English]
Samuel Tschorne -- Towards an Expressive Approach to Rights: Hart's Theory of Rights [English] [Spanish]
Comments by Francisca Pou Gimenez
Panel 2: The Inter-American System of Rights
Aida Torres -- The Independence of International Human Rights Courts: The Case of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights [English] [Spanish]
Angel Oquendo -- The Politicization of Human Rights [English] [Spanish]
Comments by Cristina Rodríguez
Panel 3: The International Obligation for Accountability
Jorge Contesse -- The New Last Word: Control of Conventionality and the Possibility The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the “Duty of Conventionality” [Spanish]
Roberto Gargarella -- International Courts, Mass Crimes, and Democracy [Spanish] [English]
Comments by Carlos Rosenkrantz
Panel 4: The Corporation as Perpetrator
Béatriz Eugenia Sánchez & René Urueña -- Human Rights, Forced Displacement, and Development in Colombia: Consideration of the Impact of International Law on Domestic Policy
Noah Novogrodsky -- Sideways Advocacy [English] [Spanish]
Comments by Carol Rose
Saturday, June 8
Panel 5: New Forms of Constitutionalism
Javier Couso -- Radical Democracy and the “New Latin American Constitutionalism” [Spanish] [English]
Julio César Guanche & Julio Antonio Fernández -- Rights and Guarantees in Cuba: Background and a Proposal [Spanish] [English]
Carlos Portugal Gouvêa -- The Managerial Constitution: Understanding What Works in the Constitutional Protection of Human Rights [English]
Comments by Viviane Neptune
Panel 6: Democratic Legitimacy
Tom Tyler -- Achieving peaceful regime change: Why do losers consent? [English] [Spanish]
Fernando Muñoz -- The “Right of the People”: Plebeian Uprising in the Age of Its Technical Irreproducibility [Spanish] [English]
Gonzalo Zegarra -- Trust-Contract Democracy: Political Economy & Political Philosophy of the Social Contract and its Failures [Spanish] [English]
Comments by Diego Wernecke Arguelhes
Democracy Roundtable: The Havana Peace Negotiations
Moderator: Helena Alviar, Dean, Universidad de Los Andes School of Law
Sunday, June 9
Panel 7: Symbols of Justice and Injustice
Esteban Restrepo -- Justice of Images, Justice through Images: A Few Notes to Consider the Relationship between Criminal Law and the Representation of Mass Atrocity [Spanish] [English]
Paulina Ochoa Espejo -- What Is Wrong With Border Fences? [English] [Spanish]
Comments by Bo Burt
Violence, Legitimacy, and Public Order
June 7 – 10
Mexico City
Thursday, June 7
Keynote: Tom R. Tyler – Legitimacy and the Maintenance of Public Order
Friday, June 8
Panel 1 – Drugs and Violence
Julieta Lemaitre – The Peace at Hand: War and Peace in Colombia’s 1991 Constituent Assembly (Spanish) (English)
Mariana Mota Prado – Police Reform in Violent Democracies in Latin America (English) (Spanish)
Catalina Pérez Correa – Federalism and Community Security: Policing as a Federal Affair (Spanish)
Commentator: José Antonio Guevara
Panel 2 – Poverty and Law
Ana Paula de Barcellos – Cash Transfer Programs and Their Possible Side Effects: The Brazilian Bolsa Familia Case (English)
Myrta Morales-Cruz – Lawyers and “Social” Movements: The story of the Puerto Rico "Zero Evictions" Coalition (English)
Commentator: Gabriel Bouzat
Panel 3 – Institutionalized Marginalization
Jaime Couso – Mapuche People and Criminal Law (Spanish) (English)
James Forman, Jr. – Racial Critiques of Mass Incarceration: Beyond the New Jim Crow (English) (Spanish)
Alejandro Madrazo – Criminal and Enemy in the Political Imagination of the War on Drugs (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Mónica González Contró
Saturday, June 9
Panel 4 – Liberalism and the Limits of State Regulation
Marcelo Alegre – Secularism, Atheism and Democracy (Spanish) (English)
Lucas Grosman – Drugs under the Constitution (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Daniel Markovits
Panel 5 –The Institutions of a Working Democracy
José Luis Sardón – Democracy without Political Parties (Spanish) (English)
Lucas Sierra – Supermajority Legislative Requirements and the Constitutional Court in Chile (Spanish) (English)
Commentator: Roberto Gargarella
Panel 6 – Democracy Roundtable
Presidential Politics and the Future of Democracy in Mexico
Moderator: Karina Ansolabehere
Sunday, June 10
Panel 7 – North-South Dynamics in Legal Education
Muneer I. Ahmad – Development Lawyering: Toward a Critical Pedagogy and Practice of Encounter (English) (Spanish)
Daniel Bonilla – Between Equality and Subordination: Legal Clinics in the Global North and South (English)
Isabel Cristina Jaramillo – Mapping Academic Exchanges: Beyond the North-South Divide (English)
James Silk – From Empire to Empathy? Clinical Collaboration Between the Global North and the Global South (English)
Commentator: Ronaldo Porto Macedo
June 9 – 12
San José, Costa Rica
Panels and Presenters:
The New Latin American Constitutionalism
Carlos Portugal Gouvea: Social Rights against the Poor (Portuguese) (English)
Tschorne: The Authoritarian Constitutional Tradition and Chilean “Stability” (Spanish) (English)
Pou Giménez: The Constitutionalization of Language Rights in Latin America: A Preliminary Discussion (Spanish) (English)
Sexuality and the Theory of Rights
Verónica Undurraga: Variations of the “Non-demandability” Argument for Legal Abortion and their Consequences for Constitutional Decisions (Spanish)
Neus Torbisco Casals: Beyond the Feminism vs. Multiculturalism Dispute on Group Rights: Towards a Participatory Approach (English)
Ángel Oquendo
Property Rights
Claire Priest: Creating an American Property Law (English)
Alejandro Madrazo Lajous: Genes and TRIPs: “No Man’s Land”
Revisited? (English) (Spanish)
Hiram Meléndez-Juarbe: Technopolitics
and Copyright Regulation (Spanish)
Commentator: Ana Maria Nusdeo
Technological Innovations and Legal Orderings
Chloé Georas: The “Internet-museum” and Digital Debris (Spanish)
Alfredo Bullard: Law in
Science Fiction (Spanish) (English)
Noah Novogrodsky: After AIDs
(English) (Spanish)
Commentator: Carol Rose
Faith and Politics
Peter Schuck: The Influence of Religious Organizations on Government in the U.S. (English) (Spanish)
Atria Lemaitre: Living under Dead Ideas: Law as the Will of the People (Spanish) (English)
Jaime Couso
Democracy Roundtable: Authoritarian Populism
Javier Couso (Moderator)
Roberto Gargarella
Pedro Salazar Ugarte
Gonzalo Zegarra Mulanovich
Insecurity, Democracy, and Law
June 10 - 13, 2010
Santiago, Chile
Panel 1: The Limits of Criminal Law
Mariana Pargendler & Diego Arguelhes - Collateral Costs of Violence: How Insecurity is Shaping Legal Institutions in Brazil English
/ Portuguese / Spanish
Roberto Gargarella - Penal Coercion in
Contexts of Unjust Inequality Spanish / English
Juan G. Bertomeu - Democracy + Guarantees
Spanish / English
Mateo Taussig - Pirate Trials, the ICC, and Mob Justice: Forms of
Sovereignty in Kenya English / Spanish
Comments by Daniel Markovits
Panel 2: Equality and Punishment
Gabriel Bouzat - Inequality, Crime, and Security in Argentina Spanish / English
Peroni - Security and Inequality: Unprotected and Targeted? Spanish / English
Ezequiel Nino -
Crime, Poverty, and Inequity in Latin America: Different Sides of the Same Coin Spanish / English
by Noah Novogrodsky
Panel 3: Imprisonment
Ana Paula de Barcellos - Urban Violence, Prison Conditions, and Human Dignity English / Spanish
Filippini - Imprisonment and Criminal Discourse Spanish / English
Owen Fiss - Imprisonment
without Trial English / Spanish
Comments by Marco Abarca and Mario Ramos-Reyes
Panel 4: Institutional Structures
Mariana Mota Prado - A Tragedy of Privates: Private Security Services in Latin America English / Spanish
Mejía - The Use of the Military as Police in Mexico Spanish / English
Pedro Salazar Ugarte -
Redefining Security and Reexamining Policy to Identify the Causes of Insecurity in Mexico Spanish / English
by Rodrigo Correa
Panel 5: Security and the Nation-State
William Vázquez-Irizarry - Exception and Necessity: The Possibility of a General Theory of Emergency Spanish / English
Larrañaga - A "Welfarist" Approach to the Constitutional Analysis of Security Policies Spanish / English
Kahn - Criminal and Enemy in the Political Imagination English / Spanish
Comments by Antonio Barreto
Law and Sexuality
Asunción, Paraguay
Panel 1 – The Foundational Ideals
Marcelo Alegre – Conscientious Objection vs. Civil Disobedience: The Resistance of Health Service Providers | Spanish | English |
Bo Burt – Choice, Liberty, and Equality | Spanish | English |
Fernando Muñoz – Political Pornography | English | Spanish |
Commentator/Moderator: Lucas Grosman
Panel 2 – The Politics of Identity
Ana Maria Nusdeo and Carlos de Salles – Homosexual Adoption | Spanish | English |
Laura Saldivia – Reexamining the Binary Construction of Sexuality | Spanish | English |
Kenji Yoshino – The Judicial Closet and the Legislative Altar | Spanish | English |
Commentator/Moderator: Esther Vicente
Panel 3 – Reproductive Rights
Karina Ansolabehere – Law and Morals in Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina | Spanish | English |
Alejandro Madrazo – The Debate over Reproductive Rights in Mexico | Spanish | English |
Reva Siegel – Dignity and Reproductive Rights | Spanish | English |
Commentator/Moderator: Martín Farrell
Panel 4 – Children’s Sexuality
Antonio Bascuñan – Liberalism and Modern Sex-Crimes | Spanish | English |
Jaime Couso – The Sexuality of Minors in the Criminal Law | Spanish | English |
Mónica González Contró – Sexual Rights of Children and Adolescents | Spanish | English |
Commentator/Moderator: Catalina Perez Correa
Panel 5: The Role of the Church
Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll – The Catholic Church as an Illegitimate Political Actor | Spanish | English |
Isabel C. Jaramillo – Reproductive Rights as a Shield against the Church | Spanish | English |
Mario Ramos-Reyes – Christian Ethics and Modernity | Spanish | English |
Commentator/Moderator: Francisca Pou