The Program for the Study of Reproductive Justice (PSRJ) serves as a national center for academic research and development of new ideas to promote justice with respect to reproductive health issues. It provides a supportive environment for young scholars interested in academic or advocacy careers focusing on reproductive rights and justice issues, and promotes opportunities for communication between academic and advocacy communities.
More specifically, the PSRJ’s goals are to:
- increase scholarship on issues in reproductive rights and justice;
- encourage the academic community to broaden the narrow focus of scholarship in reproductive rights and justice from questions of whether Roe was correctly decided, to an examination of factors that are necessary for justice in reproductive health policies;
- provide opportunities for fresh perspectives to enter into the policy-making arena, taking advantage of the strong interest of Yale Law School faculty in reproductive rights and the breadth of YLS scholarship in the area; and
- enrich the YLS environment by a) introducing more students to scholarship on reproductive rights and the perspectives of advocates in the movement; and b) providing students with opportunities to develop their own scholarship and hone their advocacy skills working in reproductive rights.