Call For Applications
The Yale Information Society Project (ISP) and
The Yale Law & Tech Society (TechSoc) present:
09:00— 10:00 SLB 122
Registration, Group Assignments, Setup Troubleshooting
* Coffee and Snacks
10:00— 10:30 SLB 122
10:30— 12:00 SLB 121
Welcome, AWS, Arms Control, Ethics & International Governance
12:00— 13:00 SLB 122
Lunch <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
13:00— 13:45 SLB 121
Guidelines, Judgment Criteria, & Problem #1
14:00— 18:00 Breakout Rooms
Hack to Govern!
* In Groups + Coffee
18:00— 19:00 SLB 122
Dinner <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
19:00— 19:15 SLB 121
Day 1 ending
08:00— 08:30 SLB 122
Light Breakfast & Coffee
08:30— 09:00 SLB 121
Intro: Problem #2 – Into the Weeds
09:00— 12:30 Breakout Rooms
Hack to Govern!
* In Groups + Coffee
12:30— 13:30 SLB 122
Lunch <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
13:00— 14:30 Breakout
Prepare Final Pitch
14:30— 15:50 SLB 129
Pitches / Judging Part 1
* 20’ pitch / Q&A, each group
15:50— 16:00
Break <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
16:00— 17:20 SLB 129
Pitches / Judging Part 2
* 20’ pitch / Q&A, each group
17:30— 18:00 SLB 129
Winning Team Announced + Wrap Up
Sponsored by the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund