Data (Re)Makes the World: Conference Agenda
Friday, March 31, 2023
Breakfast & Registration, 8:30 am – 9:00 am (DINING HALL)
Opening Remarks, 8:45 am – 9:00 am
- Conference Convener: Aaron Mendon-Plasek, Yale Law
9:00 am – 10:40 am Panel 1: Justice, (Room 127) [video]
- Chair: Meg Leta Jones, Georgetown University
- Andrew Meade McGee, Smithsonian Institution, “Quantifying a Rights Revolution Fifty Years On: Predictive Modeling, Algorithmic Rulemaking, and the 1973 Databank Debates Over Mainframe Computers in Urban Policy and Social Welfare Policy”
- Simone Zhang, Norte Dame, “The Asymmetrical Effects of Pretrial Risk Assessment Algorithms in the Courtroom”
- Katrina Geddes, New York University, “Will you have autonomy in the Metaverse?”
- A. Feder Cooper (Cornell), Madiha Zahrah Choski (Cornell Tech), Solon Barocas (Cornell), Christopher De Sa (Cornell), James Grimmelmann (Cornell Law & Cornell Tech), Siddhartha Sen (Microsoft), “On Machine Learning Uncertainty, Arbitrariness, and Due Process”
10:40 am – 11:00 am Coffee Break (Room 122)
11:00 am – 12:40 pm Panel 2: Trusting Sources (Room 127) [video]
- Chair: Matthew Jones, Columbia University
- Gabriel Grill, University of Michigan, “Constructing Certainty in Machine Learning: On the performativity of testing and its hold on the Future”
- Kadija Ferryman & Odia Kane, John Hopkins, “Identifying and Interrogating Algorithmic Accounts in Medical AI”
- Kushang Mishra, IIIT Bangalore, Bidisha Choudhary, IIIT Bangalore, “Data-driven ‘precision’ vs Farmer’s guesswork: How Data is (Re)Making Agriculture in India”
- Alexander Campolo (Duham U) & Katia Schwerzmann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), “From ‘Is’ to ‘Ought’: Data as Example in Machine Learning”
12:40 pm – 1:40 pm Lunch (Dining Hall)
1:40 pm – 3:20 pm Panel 3: Calculated Environments, (Room 129) [Parallel Session 1 of 2]
- Chair: Amin Ebrahimi Afrouzi (Yale Law)
- James Clinton Francis (Columbia Law), Adeline Chum (Center for Spatial Research, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation [GSAPP], Columbia University), & Guangyu Wu (Center for Spatial Research, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation [GSAPP], Columbia University), “Clucked Up: Active Machine Learning of Aerial Imagery and the Undercounting-Underfunding Problem in North Carolina’s Poultry Industry”
- Matt P. Lukacz, Harvard University, “Environmental Technocracy or Science-Based Policy? Critiques of Quantification in Political Ecology and the History of Debates About Algorithmic Decision Making in Conservation Biology”
1:40 pm – 3:20 pm Panel 4: Computed Worlds, (Room 127)[Parallel Session 2 of 2, video]
- Chair: Bonnie Kaplan (Yale University)
- Pariroo Rattan, Harvard University, “Dueling Economists and Discriminating Models: Causal Regression Analysis in 21st Century American Courts”
- Ekaterina Babintseva, Purdue University, “Rules for Creative Thinking: Algorithms, Heuristics, and Soviet Cybernetic Psychology”
- Jonathan Weinberg, Wayne State University, “Everything old is new again: credit rating and alternative data”
- Catherine Powell, Fordham Law, “Race, Place, and Cyberspace”
3:20 pm – 3:40 pm Coffee Break (Room 122)
3:40 pm – 5:20 pm Panel 5: Data Work (Room 127) [video]
- Chair: Julian Posada (Yale University)
- Karen Levy, Cornell University, “Rules, Loopholes, and Autonomous Systems”
- Ira Anjali Anwar, University of Michigan, “Seeing Like a Gig Company: Algorithmic Classification and the (Re)Valuation of Labor”
- Devin Kennedy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Factory Work and Database Management: Industrial Origins of the Computer Database, 1958-67”
- Jordan Ali and Gili Vidan, Cornell University, “The Economization of Play: Collapsing Value and Liberatory Promises on the Axie Infinity Platform”
Saturday, April 1, 2023
9:00 am – 9:30 am Breakfast (Dining Hall)
9:30 am – 11:10 am Panel 6: Enacting Futures (Room 127) [video]
- Chair: Valère Ndior, Université de Bretagne occidentale
- Angelina Wang (Princeton), Sayash Kapoor (Princeton), Solon Barocas (Cornell), Arvind Narayanan (Princeton), “Against Predictive Optimization: On the Legitimacy of Decision-Making Algorithms that Optimize Predictive Accuracy”
- Jonnie Penn, University of Cambridge, “Decomputerization as Détente”
- Burcu Baykurt, University of Massachusetts—Amherst, “Extracting Value”
- Hannah Zeavin, Indiana University, “Screening Mother, Coding Baby: Predictive Control, Incarcerated Mothers, and Attachment Theory in the Prison”
11:10 am – 11:30 am Coffee Break & Lunch Pickup (Room 122)
11:30 am – 1:10 pm Panel 7: Mediating Identities, [lunch panel] (Room 127) [video]
- Chair: Lisa Messeri, Yale University
- Pieter Vanden Broeck & David Stark, Columbia University, “Class, Code and Control: Algorithmic Management in the Classroom”
- Amina Abdu (UMichigan), Lauren Chambers (Berkeley), Abigail Jacobs (UMichigan), Deirdre Mulligan (Berkeley), “The Limits of (Algorithmic) Transparency: Lessons Learned from the US Census’ Implementation of Differential Privacy”
- Alicia Boyd, New York University, “Should they? Gender Recognition, Privacy, and Accelerometers”
- Nina Toft Djanegara, Stanford University, “Face the Nation”
1:10 pm – 1:20 pm Closing Remarks