
Majority World Initiative

In November 2022, the Information Society Project (ISP) at Yale Law School announced the launch of its Majority World Initiative (MWI). The initiative will support social media governance scholars from the Majority World, commonly referred to as the Global South, by amplifying their work and thinking, and drawing them into the global social media governance scholars’ community.

Bangladeshi photographer, writer, and social activist Shahidul Alam coined the term “Majority World” to highlight that the region traditionally known as the Global South or developing world encompasses the majority of humankind. ISP’s Majority World Initiative identifies and supports scholars from the region and integrates them into ISP’s community of technology and social media scholars.

The initiative works with Majority World scholars to understand what resources would enable scholars in the region to focus on the issues they consider salient. Drawing on the resources and the platforms of ISP, the initiative shares and promotes these scholars’ work.

Meet the Majority World Initiative cohort

Read essays and blog posts by our scholars

Learn more about the initiative