Wednesdays, 12:10 - 1:00, Faculty Lounge
For more information, please see the YLS Master Calendar
Fall 2014
September 30
Law Teaching: “Introduction to Law Teaching”
Professors Reva Siegel and John Witt
October 22
Law Teaching: “Pathways to Law Teaching: Fellowships? A Ph.D in Law? Both”
Professor Julia Simon-Kerr and PhD in Law candidates BJ Ard and Shelley Welton
October 31
Law Teaching: “Law Teaching Across National Borders: Pathways to a Teaching Career Outside Your Home Country”
Professor Mattias Kumm
Spring 2015
February 11
Law Teaching: “Publishing Your Academic Article: How, When, Where, Why?”
Organized and presented by the Lillian Goldman Law Library
Fred Shapiro and Sarah Ryan from Lillian Goldman Law Library; Eric Fish, Ph.D. in Law candidate; and Katherine Harris, Yale Law and Policy Review.
February 26
Law Teaching: “Workshopping: What it is, How to do it, and Why it Matters”
Professors Heather Gerken, Tracey Meares and Scott Shapiro
The Law Teaching Series is supported by the
Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund at Yale Law School.