
2017-18 Schedule

FALL 2017

September 20
"Pathways to Law Teaching: Fellowships? Advanced Degrees? VAP?"
Professor Taisu Zhang, Claudia Haupt, and Amanda Shanor

October 11
"What Makes a Great Paper Great? What Makes a Weak Paper Weak?"
Professor John Morley

October 24
"The Teaching in Law Teaching"
Professors Akhil Reed Amar and Steven Calabresi


January 24
“Publishing Your Academic Article: How, When, Where, Why?”
Organized and presented by the Lillian Goldman Law Library
Rebecca Crootof PhD ‘16, Matteo Godi, and Fred Shapiro

January 30
"Workshopping as Bloodsport: What It Is, How To Do It, and Why It Matters"
Dean Heather Gerken, and Professors Tracey L. Meares and Scott J. Shapiro

February 14
"Building a Career as a Clinical / Experiential Law Professor"
Professors Miriam Gohara, and Michael J. Wishnie

March 28
"Law Teaching: Do you need a Ph.D.?"
Professor Robert C. Post

April 11
“Speed Pitching: Turning Good Ideas into Great Publications"
Professor Ian Ayres

April 18
"Lessons Learned? A Review of the 2017-18 Law Teaching Market"
Professor David Pozen, Columbia Law School

The Law Teaching Series is supported by the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund at Yale Law School.