GHJP Report Calls for Reinvestment to Revive Public Health in the U.S.
A new report from the Global Health Justice Partnership urges substantial investment to repair the nation’s underfunded public health infrastructure.
MFIA Clinic Receives $200,000 Contribution from Craig Newmark Philanthropies
For the second year, the Media Freedom & Information Access (MFIA) Clinic at Yale Law School has received a $200,000 contribution from Craig Newmark Philanthropies to advance the clinic’s core mission.
Clinic Celebrates a New Parentage Law
A Yale Law School clinic has worked for three years to successfully modernize Connecticut’s parentage laws.
Nicholas Bequelin Named Visiting Scholar at Paul Tsai China Center
Dr. Nicholas Bequelin, a leading international human rights expert, joined Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center as a Visiting Scholar beginning on June 1, 2021.
ROLC Celebrates Abolition of Prison Gerrymandering in CT
With Governor Ned Lamont’s signature of S.B. 753 on May 26, 2021, Connecticut became the 11th state to abolish prison gerrymandering.
Guido Calabresi Lauded at His Final Torts Class
Professor Guido Calabresi ’58 was celebrated at his final Torts class on April 29, 2021.
Celebrating the Class of 2021
In a hybrid commencement ceremony, more than 200 graduates of Yale Law School were celebrated for their perseverance during a year of tremendous obstacles and recognized for their remarkable academic and clinical achievements.
Professor Eskridge Receives ABA Silver Gavel Award
Professor William N. Eskridge Jr. has been awarded the American Bar Association’s Silver Gavel Award for his book, Marriage Equality: From Outlaws to In-Laws.