Alumni Weekend 2018 Archive
October 19-21, 2018
More than a thousand Law School alumni and their families, guests and students gathered in New Haven for Alumni Weekend 2018. The weekend featured panels on clinical education, media and elections, and talking across party lines, as well as an Award of Merit ceremony and State of the School address with Dean Heather Gerken. The 2018 Award of Merit was presented to Carmella Castellano-Garcia ’91, President & CEO of the California Primary Care Association; President, Castellano Family Foundation.
At the ceremony, Dean Gerken also gave a very special honor to Associate Dean of Alumni Affairs Toni Hahn Davis ’92 LL.M, who is retiring at the end of the year after decades of service to the Law School. Davis transformed the alumni affairs office and has worked to foster valuable connections between the School and the thousands of alumni around the world.
- Photo Galleries
- Video of Presentation of Dean’s Award and Award of Merit
- Video of Cutting Edge Clinics
- Video of Talking Across Party Lines Panel Discussion
- Video of Media on Elections Panel Discussion
- Alumni Weekend 2018 Print Brochure
Reunion Social Chairs

Reunion Social Co-Chairs – William Felstiner, Carla A. Hills, Richard Ravitch
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – Eugene W. Landy, Gloria S. Neuwirth
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Sylvia O. Decker, James Hamilton
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – John C. Danforth, John A. Levin
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Joan T. Andersson, Joseph Sanders, Charles S. Stark, Stephen M. Weiner
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – K. Mathea Falco, James H. Goetz
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Peter Baugher, Patience Tipton Huntwork
Gift Committee Chair – Daniel J. Kornstein
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Jaime El Koury, Pat Profeta, Carolyn Williams
Gift Committee Chair – Carl L. Reisner
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Eugene Illovsky, Andrew Kreig, Rhonda Joy McLean
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – J. David Kirkland, Rhonda Joy McLean
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Curtis Alva, Jo Watson Hackl, Rosa Testani
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – Amy Glickman, Mary D. Stillman, Suzzanne S. Uhland, Alan E. Untereiner, Betsy Wanger
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Ronnie Abrams, Jennifer Brown, John Elwood, Laura Seigle
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – Christopher L. DeLong, Matthew J. Herrington, Gregory R. Miller, Alex Y. Oh, Matthew L. Sperling
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Joel Hornstein, Mark Trachtenberg, Andrea Wood
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – Amy L. Klein, Paul S. Mandell
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Bret Asbury, Carolina Maharbiz
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – Amanda F. Davidoff, Minor Myers, Dixie L. Noonan
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Jason Green, Meryl Harrell, Peter Harrell
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – Matthew Bloom, Tania Daneshvar Moayedi
Reunion Social Co-Chairs – Tessa Bialek, Raj Borsellino
Gift Committee Co-Chairs – Dana Gibber, Andrew Tuft
Schedule of Events
Friday, October 19
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
First Generation Professionals Lunch
Dining Hall, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
Alumni and students who identify as First Generation Professionals are welcome to take part in a networking lunch.
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Tours of the Law School’s newly opened Baker Hall
Meet at the Baker Hall main gate, 100 Tower Parkway, New Haven.
Take a short student-led tour of Baker Hall. Tours will leave from the Baker Hall main gate every half hour—at 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, and 2:30 PM.
In 2017, Yale Law School began construction to transform the building formerly known as 100 Tower Parkway into Robert C. and Christina Baker Hall at Yale Law School, adding more than 137,000 square feet to the School’s campus—including residential suites, a three-tiered student center, a two-story lecture hall, and urgently needed rooms for seminars, small groups, and the School’s innovative interdisciplinary centers and programs. The first physical expansion of the Law School since the completion of the iconic Sterling Law Building in 1931, Baker Hall will open in late August 2018.
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Class of 1955 tour of Yale University Art Gallery’s Asian Art Collection
Yale University Art Gallery, 1111 Chapel Street, New Haven.
Attend an early afternoon tour of the YUAG’s Asian Art Collection guided by Joan Lebold Cohen.
2:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Yale Law Women Panel: Combatting Sexual Harassment and Assault: Collective Action, Power, and Change
Levinson Auditorium, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
Moderator: Julie Suk ’03, Dean for Master’s Programs and Professor of Sociology, Political Science, and Liberal Studies at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Panelists: Fatima Goss Graves '01, President and CEO of the National Women's Law Center, Jenny Hunter '03, Associate General Counsel of the Service Employees International Union, Saru Jayaraman '00, Co-Founder and President at ROC United and Director of the Food Labor Research Center at UC Berkeley
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Paskus Danziger Rare Book Room Open House
Lillian Goldman Law Library, Level 2, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
Alumni are welcome to drop by to see selected acquisitions from our collection and to meet with our Rare Book Librarian, Mike Widener.
Current Exhibition: “Learning the Law: The Book in Early Legal Education”
Through the centuries, legal education has both shaped legal literature and been shaped by it. Drawing on the rich holdings of the Lillian Goldman Law Library’s Rare Book Collection, this exhibition will show how the content and design of early law books were employed by both teachers and students. The exhibition is curated by Ryan Martins (Law 2020), Rare Book Fellow, and Mike Widener, Rare Book Librarian."
3:30 PM – 4:45 PM
Panel Discussion: Cutting Edge Clinics
Levinson Auditorium, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
Faculty and Students Discuss the Transformation of Clinical Education at YLS
Moderator: Muneer Ahmad, Deputy Dean for Experiential Education, Clinical Professor of Law, and Director, Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization, Yale Law School
Panelists: Fiona Doherty '99, Clinical Professor of Law,& Erinma Kalu '19, Yale Law School Student, Criminal Justice Clinic, Kate Logue '19, Yale Law School Student, Criminal Justice Clinic, Aseem Mehta '20, Yale Law School Student, Worker & Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic
5:00 PM – 6:15 PM
OutLaws Cocktail Reception
Alumni Reading Room, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
Alumni, guests, and current student members of OutLaws, Yale Law School's LGBTQ organization, are invited to attend a cocktail reception in the Faculty Lounge.
6:15 PM – 6:30 PM
50th Reunion Class Photo for the Class of 1968
Room 127, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
50th Reunion Champagne Reception for the Class of 1968
Faculty Lounge, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Welcome Reception & Dinner for the Classes of 2018-1988
Yale Cross Campus, 110 Wall Street, New Haven
Look for our tent on the lawn!
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Welcome Reception & Dinner for the Classes of 1987-1955 & Legal Eagles
Yale on York, 150 York Street, New Haven
8:30 PM – 10:30 PM
The Omni, 19th Floor, 155 Temple Street, New Haven
Alumni, guests, and student members of Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Native American Law Students Association, and South Asian Students Association are invited to this informal reception. You are welcome to come at any time and to attend multiple gatherings.
8:30 PM – 10:30 PM
BLSA Reception
ROIA Restaurant, Second Floor, 261 College Street, New Haven
Alumni, guests, and student members of Black Law Students Association are invited to this informal reception. You are welcome to come at any time and to attend multiple gatherings.
8:30 PM – 10:30 PM
LLSA Reception
Kitchen Zinc, 966 Chapel Street, New Haven
Alumni, guests, and student members of Latinx Law Students Association are invited to this informal reception. You are welcome to come at any time and to attend multiple gatherings.
9:30 PM – 11:30 PM
25th Reunion After-Party at Mory's
Mory's, 306 York Street, New Haven
The first hour is on the Law School, with a cash bar afterwards.
Saturday, October 20
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Fun Run
Meet in front of the Sterling Law Building at 127 Wall Street
Alumni and students join Yale Law School’s Professor Ian Ayres ’86, William K. Townsend Professor of Law, for an early morning 5K run.
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Breakfast in the Dining Hall
Dining Hall, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Alumni-Student Breakfast Connections
Various Locations, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
*Pre-registration required; check in at the Student Lounge at 8:30 AM.
Alumni and students will be matched together for a mentoring breakfast.
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Concurrent Panel Discussions
Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
I. Media On Elections
Levinson Auditorium
Moderator: Emily Bazelon ’00, Staff Writer, New York Times Magazine; Truman Capote Fellow for Creative Writing and Law, Yale Law School.
Panelists: Charlie Savage '03, Washington Correspondent for the New York Times; Author of Takeover and Power Wars
David Schulz '78, Floyd Abrams Clinical Lecturer in Law and Senior Research Scholar in Law, Yale Law School; Senior Counsel to Ballard Spahr, LLP
Nabiha Syed '10, Vice President, Legal at Buzzfeed; Visiting Fellow, Yale Law School
The political media in the United States is fractured, flawed, and absolutely essential. It's also under attack. How well is it covering the upcoming November election? How serious are the threats to the free press? This panel will explore the influence the press brings to bear and the status of the fourth branch.
II. Talking Across Party Lines
Room 127 (Overflow seating in Room 129)
Moderator: Ross Douthat, New York TimesColumnist
Panelists: Michael Bennet '93, U.S. Senator, Colorado, Jason Green '08, Former National Voter Registration Director; Former Associate White House Counsel (Obama Administration), Luiza Savage '03, Editorial
Director, Cross-Platform Content, and Executive Director, Canada, POLITICO, Ken Stern '88, President, Palisades Media; Author, Republican Like Me
As our politics become ever more partisan, how can voters AND POLITICIANS all along the political spectrum engage in meaningful dialogue without devolving into shouting matches and insults? This panel will explore the challenges presented by political tribalism and the ways in which we might move toward a more constructive dialogue.
10:45 AM –12:00 PM
Dean’s Award of Merit Presentation & State of the School
Levinson Auditorium, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
Carmela Castellano-Garcia '91, President & CEO of the California Primary Care Association; President, Castellano Family Foundation will be presented with the Award of Merit by Dean Heather K. Gerken
At the ceremony, Dean Gerken also gave a very special honor to Associate Dean of Alumni Affairs Toni Hahn Davis ’92 LL.M, who is retiring at the end of the year after decades of service to the Law School. Davis transformed the alumni affairs office and has worked to foster valuable connections between the School and the thousands of alumni around the world.
12:05 PM – 2:15 PM
Class Photos:
12:05 Class of 1993 - Room 129, Sterling Law Building
1:45 Class of 1998 - Front Steps of Sterling Memorial Library, Yale Cross Campus
2:00 Class of 2003 - Front Steps of Sterling Memorial Library, Yale Cross Campus
2:15 Class of 1983 - Room 127, Sterling Law Building
2:15 Class of 2008 - Front Steps of Sterling Memorial Library, Yale Cross Campus
2:30 Class of 1988 - Room 127, Sterling Law Building
2:30 Class of 2013 - Front Steps of Sterling Memorial Library, Yale Cross Campus
Class of 1978 – will be taken during class activity
Classes of ’55, ’58, ’63, ’73, will be taken during Class Dinner
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Recent Alumni Luncheon for the Classes of 2018 – 1998
Yale Cross Campus, 110 Wall Street, New Haven
12:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Luncheon for the Classes of 1997 – 1955 & Legal Eagles
Yale on York, 150 York Street, New Haven
After lunch join us in wishing the Honorable Guido Calabresi a happy 86th Birthday!
2:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Guido Calabresi ’58 Faculty Lounge Dedication (1958 and 1963)
Faculty Lounge, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Paskus Danziger Rare Book Room Open House
Lillian Goldman Law Library, Level 2, Sterling Law Building, Yale Law School
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Class Activities
- Class of 1955 - China Discussion with Jerome A. Cohen ’55
- Class of 1958 - Financial Crisis discussion with Dick Ravitch ’58 and Professor David Shleicher
- Class of 1963 - Tour of Baker Hall
- Class of 1968 - Class Discussion on the ’60s and ’70s
- Class of 1973 - “Meeting Today’s Challenges” Class Discussion
- Class of 1978 - Vince DiBlasi ’78 Classroom Dedication and 1978 Class Photo
- Class of 1983 - Happy Hour
- Class of 1988 - Show and Tell
- Class of 1993 - Round Table Discussion: Serving the Government/Suing the Government
- Class of 1998 - Two-Minute Memoirs
- Class of 2003 - Immigration Panel Discussion
- Classes of 2008 and 2013 - Reception in the Courtyard
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Yale Law Journal Reception for Alumni and Student Editors
Mory’s Temple Bar, 306 York Street, New Haven
All alumni and current members of the Yale Law Journal are invited to its annual Alumni Weekend Reception.
4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Yale Federalist Society Happy Hour
Mory’s Temple Bar, 306 York Street, New Haven
All alumni and current members of the Yale Federalist Society are invited to its annual Alumni Weekend Happy Hour. Drop in at any time to meet old friends and new members alike!
6:30 PM
Class Reunion Receptions and Dinners
- 1955 Dinner/Class Photo - Quinnipiack Club, Library & Board Room, 221 Church Street, New Haven
- 1958 Dinner/Class Photo - The Graduate, Great Hall, 155 Elm Street, New Haven
- 1963 Dinner/Class Photo - Yale Law School Dining Hall, 127 Wall Street, New Haven
- 1968 Dinner - Union League Café, 1032 Chapel Street, New Haven
- 1973 Dinner/Class Photo - Omni Hotel, 19th Floor, 155 Temple Street, New Haven
- 1978 Dinner - Berkeley College Dining Room, 205 Elm Street, New Haven
- 1983 Dinner – The Quinnipiack Club, Centennial Room, 221 Church Street, New Haven
- 1988 Dinner - The Graduate Club, Main Dining Room, 155 Elm Street, New Haven
- 1993 Dinner - ZINC, 964 Chapel Street, New Haven
- 1998 Dinner - Olea, 39 High Street, New Haven
- 2003 Dinner - ROÌA Restaurant, Second Floor, 261 College Street, New Haven
- 2008 Dinner - Olives and Oil, 124 Temple Street, New Haven
- 2013 Dinner - ROÌA Restaurant, First floor, 261 College Street, New Haven
9:30 PM – 11:30 PM
Class of 1978 - Berkeley College Dining Room, 205 Elm Street, New Haven
Class of 2013 – Karaoke, GPSCY Ballroom, 204 York Street, New Haven
Sunday, October 21
8:15 AM – 9:30 AM
Class of 2013 Pre-Brunch Play Date
Edgerton Park - New Haven
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Class Reunion Brunch
Class of 1955 Brunch - Courtyard by Marriott
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Class Reunion Brunches
Class of 1958 Brunch - The Honorable Guido ’58 and Anne Calabresi, Woodbridge
Class of 1963 Brunch - George and Kathy Priest, New Haven
Class of 1968 Brunch - Bruce Ackerman ’67 and Susan Rose-Ackerman, New Haven
Class of 1973 Brunch - Daniel Markovits ’00 and Sarah Bilston, New Haven
Class of 1978 Brunch - Bill Eskridge ’78, New Haven
Class of 1983 Brunch - Nancy Greenberg ’83 and Anthony Kronman ’75, New Haven
Class of 1988 Brunch - Ian Ayres ’86 and Jennifer Brown, New Haven
Class of 1993 Brunch - Mike Wishnie ’93 and Catherine Edwards, Hamden
Class of 1998 Brunch - Oona Hathaway ’97 and Jacob Hacker, New Haven
Class of 2003 Brunch - Amy Kapczynski ’03 and Alice Miller, New Haven
Class of 2008 Brunch - Marisol Orihuela’08 and Issa Kohler-Hausmann’08, New Haven
Class of 2013 Brunch - Nicholas Parrillo’04 and Jenny Chou’04, New Haven