
Veterans Legal Services Clinic

About the Clinic

There are more than 200,000 veterans in Connecticut, many with acute legal needs related to their military service or return to civilian life. In this clinic, established in 2010, students represent veterans in litigation before administrative agencies and courts across a broad range of matters such as veterans’ benefits, discharge upgrade, immigration, civil rights, and habeas petitions. Students also represent local and national organizations in systemic litigation, including class action suits, and in regulatory and legislative reform efforts, media advocacy, and strategic planning.

The clinic makes a special effort to assist groups that are marginalized within the military, such as Black and Latinx veterans, women and immigrants, LGBTQ+ veterans, veterans with disabilities, and survivors of military sexual trauma. Clinic students often approach veterans’ law through the lens of civil rights and disability justice.

Students in their first semester of VLSC participate in a substantive seminar and are assigned one individual client matter and one institutional or collective client matter. Returning students have the option of participating in a weekly one-hour advanced seminar for an additional credit in addition to continuing in their casework or joining new matters.

Clinical Faculty

Michael Wishnie1

Natalia Friedlander2

Resources for Veterans

Forms & Resources for Veterans Seeking Discharge Upgrade

Reports & Manuals

Work with the Clinic

Robert M. Cover Fellowship in the Veterans Legal Services Clinic3

LSO Summer Fellowships in VLSC4

Summer interns with VLSC can expect to be involved in a large number of diverse matters for both individual and institutional clients, reflecting the overall clinic docket.

Clinic Casework

Gender-Confirmation Surgery at VA

Gender-Confirmation Surgery at VA

On November 20, 2023, Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA) sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) demanding that VA act on TAVA’s 2016 rulemaking petition for gender-confirmation surgery for transgender veterans.

National Organization for Women – NYC vs. VA and DoD

National Organization for Women – NYC vs. VA and DoD

The National Organization for Women’s New York City Chapter filed a federal lawsuit in the Southern District of New York challenging discriminatory eligibility policies of the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other fertility services.

Petition for Rulemaking: Antidiscrimination Regulations in VA Health Care

Petition for Rulemaking: Antidiscrimination Regulations in VA Health Care

Minority Veterans of America and 13 other veteran and LGBTQ+ rights organizations requested that the VA issue antidiscrimination regulations for the health care programs it administers.

CVLC et al v. DOD

CVLC et al v. DOD

On April 3, 2023, Stronghold Freedom Foundation (SFF) and Connecticut Veterans Legal Center (CVLC) filed a federal lawsuit against the Department of Defense (DoD) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The suit seeks disclosure of records documenting toxic conditions at Karshi-Khanabad Air Base (K2) in Uzbekistan, a major staging ground for the war in Afghanistan.

Monk v. U.S.

Monk v. U.S.

On November 28, 2022, Conley Monk Jr., a Black veteran who served in the Vietnam War, filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking redress for harm caused by longstanding racial disparities in U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) administration of veterans’ benefits programs.

AFSCME v. Garland

AFSCME v. Garland

On November 15, 2021, the American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees Council 4, Connecticut Police and Fire Union, the National Association of Government Employees, and SEIU Local 2001 filed a lawsuit challenging a federal statute that makes it a felony for members of the armed forces to join or attempt to join a union, and for any person to support labor organizing in the armed forces.

Johnson v. Kendall

Johnson v. Kendall

The clinic is representing Martin Johnson and Jane Doe in a nationwide class-action lawsuit on behalf of thousands of Air Force veterans. Johnson and Doe allege that the Air Force Discharge Review Board discriminates against individuals with disabilities by failing to consider the impact that their mental health conditions had on their conduct.

Deported Veterans: Ivan Ocon Naturalization Application

Deported Veterans: Ivan Ocon Naturalization Application

The clinic represents Ivan Ocon, a veteran from Las Cruces, New Mexico who served six years in the U.S. Army and deployed to Jordan in connection with Operation Iraqi Freedom, in his petition for military naturalization.

Palomares Nuclear Disaster

Palomares Nuclear Disaster

On January 17, 1966, a B-52 bomber carrying four nuclear warheads crashed with a fueling tanker in mid-air, scattering radioactive plutonium dust and debris across the countryside near Palomares, Spain. The Clinic represents veterans of the cleanup on multiple fronts in their fight for VA recognition and benefits.

NVLSP, VLSC White Paper: Veterans Who served on Guam ’58-80 Likely Exposed to Dioxin Herbicides

NVLSP, VLSC White Paper: Veterans Who served on Guam ’58-80 Likely Exposed to Dioxin Herbicides

A white paper and a detailed appendix provided by the Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School (VLSC) and National Veterans Legal Service Program (NVLSP), for veterans who served on Guam from 1958 to 1980 to submit to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in support of their serviced-connected disability claims for Agent Orange-related diseases.

Terwilliger v. Cook

Terwilliger v. Cook

On April 21, 2020, Mr. David Terwilliger, an 80-year-old disabled veteran approaching the final year of a twenty-year sentence in Connecticut state prison, filed suit in federal court seeking his release. Mr. Terwilliger had been approved for community release but continued to be incarcerated. 

C-123 Veterans Association

C-123 Veterans Association

An informal organization the United States Air Force Reserve who, after the end of the Vietnam War, flew C-123 aircraft that had been used to spray Agent Orange and other herbicides in Vietnam.

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

A 2016 clinic suit seeks to compel VA to release the requested documents and provide much-needed transparency to its adjudication process for disability claims for veterans poisoned by contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune.

Cardona v. Shinseki

Cardona v. Shinseki

Carmen Cardona, a disabled Navy veteran was denied spousal benefits by the VA because she was married to a woman. The clinic was instrumental in her successful application.

CT MOS Task Force

CT MOS Task Force

Through the passage of Special Act No. 13-5, the General Assembly created a Task Force to determine how state licensing processes can be streamlined to aid Connecticut veterans as they transition from the military to the workforce.

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center Military Service Academies

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center Military Service Academies

On behalf of the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center, students in the Veterans Legal Services Clinic prepared a report analyzing the gender disparities in congressional nominations to the U.S. Military Service Academies.

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center Pretrial Diversionary Programs

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center Pretrial Diversionary Programs

Students in the Veterans Legal Services Clinic researched and drafted a bill to expand access for veterans to several of the state’s diversionary programs.

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center: Race and Ethnicity in Congressional Nominations to Military Service Academies

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center: Race and Ethnicity in Congressional Nominations to Military Service Academies

Students in the Veterans Legal Services Clinic prepared a report demonstrating the racial and ethnic inequities in congressional nominations to the U.S. military service academies.

Cowles v. McHugh

Cowles v. McHugh

The clinic represents William Cowles, an Army National Guard veteran who was honorably discharged but illegally denied medical retirement.

Dolphin v. McHugh

Dolphin v. McHugh

The clinic represents William Dolphin, a disabled Vietnam combat veteran awarded a Purple Heart, denied medical care by the VA because of his his bad conduct discharge.

Giammarco v. Johnson

Giammarco v. Johnson

The clinic represents Arnold Giammarco, a recently deported U.S. veteran. Mr. Giammarco arrived in the United States as a lawful permanent resident at the age of four in 1960.

Military Sexual Trauma Rulemaking & Litigation

Military Sexual Trauma Rulemaking & Litigation

The clinic submitted a petition for rule-making to the VA seeking to reform regulations regarding disability claims filed by veterans suffering from PTSD related to rape, sexual harassment, or sexual assault.

Monk v. Mabus

Monk v. Mabus

A class action lawsuit seeking relief for tens of thousands of Vietnam veterans who developed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during their military service and subsequently received an other than honorable discharge.

Monk v. Wilkie

Monk v. Wilkie

A lawsuit that seeks to compel the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs to decide long-pending disability compensation appeals through aggregate resolution of all similarly situated veterans’ claims.

Reid v. Donelan/In re Reid

Reid v. Donelan/In re Reid

The clinic veteran who was placed in removal proceedings and detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) based on minor criminal convictions such as drug possession.

Service Women’s Action Network MST FOIA

Service Women's Action Network MST FOIA

The clinic represents Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) in its campaign to persuade the Department of Defense to more forcefully address military sexual trauma (MST) within the ranks.

Service Women's Action Network Military Service Academies

Service Women's Action Network Military Service Academies

The Veterans Legal Services Clinic represents the Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) in its efforts to combat gender inequality at the Military Services Academies.

Shepherd v. McHugh

Shepherd v. McHugh

The clinic represents a disabled Vietnam combat veteran awarded a Bronze Star with Valor Device, in his application to upgrade his discharge status and obtain VA benefits.

In re: Trotman

In re: Trotman

The clinic represented a veteral of the Air Force in the 1970s was denied medical benefits for problems related PTSD.

In re: Venter

In re: Venter

The clinic represented a veteran’s widow in her claim for dependency and indemnity compensation, death pension, and accrued benefits due to death from exposure to Agent Orange.

VVA-Personality/Adjustment Disorder

VVA-Personality/Adjustment Disorder

The clinic represents Vietnam Veterans of America in a multi-pronged effort to end the unlawful discharge service members on the alleged ground of a personality or adjustment disorder and to secure redress.

VVA and NVCLR – PTSD Upgrade FOIA Suit

VVA and NVCLR – PTSD Upgrade FOIA Suit

In May 2015, Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) and the National Veterans Council for Legal Redress (NVCLR) filed a federal lawsuit against the Department of Defense after it failed to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests. VVA and NVCLR had initiated these FOIA requests to gauge the Army, Navy, and Air Force’s compliance with former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s PTSD Upgrade Memo of September 2014.

VVA-PTSD Discharge Upgrades

VVA-PTSD Discharge Upgrades

On September 3, 2014 a memorandum was issued to the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force to fully consider applications submitted by veterans who seek a discharge upgrade on the basis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Veterans Education Success

Veterans Education Success

The clinic represents Veterans Education Success (VES), a D.C.-based organization, in its efforts to protect veterans against deceptive recruiting practices by predatory colleges.

Spires v. James

Spires v. James

On November 18, 2016 H. Edward Spires sued the Secretary of the Air Force seeking an upgrade of his Undesirable discharge to Honorable after the AFBCMR twice denied his upgrade applications, claiming his records were lost in a 1973 fire. The Air Force discharged Mr. Spires in 1948 for reason of homosexuality. He became eligible for a discharge upgrade in 2011 after the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell. On January 6, 2017 the AFBCMR upgraded Mr. Spires’s discharge status to an Honorable discharge.

Presidential Pardon for Veterans with Bad Paper

Presidential Pardon for Veterans with Bad Paper

In the fall of 2016, Vietnam Veterans of America retained the Veterans Legal Services Clinic to examine whether President Barack Obama could issue a presidential pardon for veterans with other-than-honorable discharges.

Kennedy v. McCarthy

Kennedy v. McCarthy

A proposed nationwide class-action lawsuit on behalf of approximately 50,000 less-than-Honorably discharged Iraq and Afghanistan-era Army veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other related mental health conditions. The lawsuit challenges the United States Army’s unconstitutional and improper treatment of these veterans.

POD + CVLC MST FOIA Litigation

POD + CVLC MST FOIA Litigation

On December 13, 2017, Protect Our Defenders POD) and the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center (CVLC) filed suit in U.S. District Court to compel the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security to release records related to gender disparities within the military justice system, and to the military record correction boards’ handling of cases involving sexual assault and harassment.

IAVA-CT State Benefits Advocacy for Veterans with Bad Paper

IAVA-CT State Benefits Advocacy for Veterans with Bad Paper

The Connecticut Chapter of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA-CT) carries out IAVA’s mission to connect, unite and empower post-9/11 veterans in the state. IAVA-CT is dedicated to ensuring that all Connecticut veterans – including those who were discharged from the military under less-than-honorable conditions – are welcomed back home, and continue to receive effective support and care in their communities. Most recently, IAVA-CT proposed and advocated for legislation aimed at ensuring equal access to state veterans’ benefits.

Manker v. Del Toro

Manker v. Del Toro

On March 2, 2018, Tyson Manker and the National Veterans Council for Legal Redress (NVCLR) filed a nationwide class-action lawsuit on behalf of thousands of less-than-Honorably discharged Navy and Marine Corps veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related conditions from the Iraq and Afghanistan era.

POD+CVLC VA Bias FOIA Litigation

POD+CVLC VA Bias FOIA Litigation

POD+CVLC VA Bias FOIA Litigation

IAVA-CT: Protecting Veterans from Employment Discrimination

IAVA-CT: Protecting Veterans from Employment Discrimination

The Connecticut Chapter of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA-CT) carries out IAVA’s mission to connect, unite and empower post-9/11 veterans in the state. In partnership with IAVA-CT, the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO) recently released new guidance to ensure that all veterans receive equal treatment when seeking employment opportunities.

Petition for Rulemaking to Change VA Motto

Petition for Rulemaking to Change VA Motto

The clinic submitted a petition on behalf of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN), and NYC Veterans Alliance to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA), asking the VA to replace its current motto with one that is inclusive of all veterans, including women.

Olson v. Mayorkas

Olson v. Mayorkas

The clinic represents Isaak Olson, a former cadet at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, who is challenging the Academy’s blanket ban against cadets becoming parents.

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