
Rule of Law Clinic Files Amicus Brief on Climate Change
The Rule of Law Clinic filed an amicus brief on March 20, 2019 on behalf of former U.S. diplomats and government officials in City of Oakland v. BP p.l.c., a case currently pending before the Ninth Circuit.

Rule of Law Clinic Students Advocate for Voting Rights in CT Legislature
Yale Law School students in the Rule of Law Clinic filed written testimony on February 22, 2019 with the Connecticut General Assembly, urging the legislature to expand voting rights for formerly incarcerated people.

National Security Officials Issue Declaration Disputing National Emergency
Working with the Rule of Law Clinic, a bipartisan group of national security officials filed a declaration challenging the President's proclamation of a national emergency at the southern border.

Rule of Law Clinic and NAACP Win Prison Gerrymandering Victory
The Yale Law School Rule of Law Clinic, representing the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the NAACP Connecticut State Conference and individual NAACP members, won a key ruling on February 19, 2019 that allows a federal lawsuit challenging Connecticut’s discriminatory practice known as “prison gerrymandering” to proceed.
Yahoo News / Skullduggery TV
Skullduggery TV: “Zucked”

NAACP, ROLC Secure Agreement to Increase 2020 Census Transparency
The NAACP and ROLC secured a settlement in a FOIA lawsuit seeking records that shed light on preparations for the 2020 Census.