
ROLC, NAACP Challenge to 2020 Census Preparations Moves Forward
The Rule of Law Clinic and NAACP won a major court ruling that allows them to proceed with a federal lawsuit challenging the government’s inadequate preparations for the 2020 Census.

ROLC, NAACP Sue Connecticut Over Prison Gerrymandering
Yale Law School’s Rule of Law Clinic has filed a lawsuit together with The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the NAACP Connecticut State Conference, and five individual NAACP members against the State of Connecticut challenging the practice known as “prison gerrymandering.”
The Washington Post
The census is a threat to communities of color

Rule of Law Clinic Releases “Reader’s Guide” for the 25th Amendment
The ROLC clinic report identifies a series of immediate congressional actions that would strengthen the constitutional process and avoid Executive Branch chaos if Section 4 of the 25th Amendment is triggered.

Rule of Law Clinic Files Additional Amicus Brief in Travel Ban Case
On March 30, 2018, students from the Rule of Law Clinic filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of a bipartisan group of 52 former senior national security officials.

Rule of Law Clinic Files Suit Over Census Preparations
The Rule of Clinic is representing plaintiffs in suing the federal government alleging the upcoming Census will cause inequalities in political representation and deficiencies in federal funding of those communities.
The Washington Post