
2003 - 2004 Schedule

2003 - 3004 Schedule

Clark Freshman, Miami University School of Law
"Efficient Emotion and Law Student Success"

Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Georgetown University Law Center
"The Lawyer's Role in Deliberative Democracy: Facilitating Consensus and Other Processes"

Katherine Van Wezel Stone, Cornell Law School

Jeffrey Rachlinski, Cornell Law School
"Heuristics and Biases Among Expert Negotiators"

Jeffrey Senger, United States Department of Justice
"Federal Dispute Resolution: Using ADR with the United States Government"

Linda Babcock, Carnegie Mellon University
"A Situational Perspective on Gender in Negotiation: When Does Gender Matter?"

Richard Reuben, University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law
"Democracy and Dispute Resolution: The Problem with Arbitration"
Quinnipiac University Room TBA

Lela Porter Love, Cardozo Law School
"Reflections on Justice in Mediation"