2012 - 2013 Schedule
The Quinnipiac–Yale Dispute Resolution Workshop is a collaboration between Quinnipiac University School of Law and Yale Law School to host lectures by distinguished scholars and practitioners in the field of dispute resolution.
September 28
Jennifer K. Robbennolt, University of Illinois
Psychology and Lawyering: Behavioral Legal Ethics
October 22
Russell Korobkin, UCLA
The Borat Problem: Fraud, Assent, and the Behavioral Law and Economics
of Standard Form Contracts
November 5
Michael A. Helfand, Pepperdine University
Constitutionalizing Arbitration: Re-Imagining the Church Autonomy Doctrine
January 28
S.I. Strong, University of Missouri-Columbia
Mass Procedure as a Form of 'Regulatory Arbitration' – Abaclat v. Argentine Republic
February 25
Zachary Bookman, Combined Joint Interagency Task Force – Shafafiyat (Transparency) at International Security Assistance Forces, Kabul, Afghanistan
Fighting Corruption and Settling Disputes in Afghanistan, Where Custom Holds Sway
March 22
Susan Daicoff, Phoenix School of Law
Kindness and Healing in the Law