2009 - 2010 Schedule
Robert Bordone, Clinical Professor, Harvard Law School
Dispute Systems Design and Legal Education: What, Why, How
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James H. Stark, Professor of Law and Director of the Mediation Clinic, University of Connecticut School of Law, and
Douglas N. Frenkel, Morris Shuster Practice Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Changing Minds: The Work of Mediators and Empirical Studies of Persuasion
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Aaron Bruhl, Assistant Professor, University of Houston Law School
How Appellate Procedure Distributes the Costs of Legal Change
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James Coben, Director and Professor of Law, Dispute Resolution Institute, Hamline University School of Law
The Ultimate Disputing Irony: Lessons to be Learned from Litigation about Mediation
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Art Hinshaw, Clinical Professor of Law & Director, Lodestar Dispute Resolution Program, Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law, Arizona State University
Doing the Right Thing: An Empirical Study of Attorney Negotiation Ethics
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Michael H. LeRoy, Professor, School of Labor and Employment Relations, and College of Law, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Do Courts Create Moral Hazard? When Judges Nullify Employer Liability in Arbitration
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