2008-2009 LEO Workshop Schedule
Fall 2008
September 11
Enrichetta Ravina, New York University/Stern
Love & Loans. The Effect of Beauty and Personal Characteristics in Credit Markets
September 25
Amy Finkelstein, MIT/Economics
Estimating Welfare in Insurance Markets Using Variation in Prices (with Mark Cullen and Liran Einav)
October 16
Joel Slemrod, Michigan/Business
The Coase Theorem and Tax Law (with Kyle Logue)
October 30
Ilyana Kuziemko, Princeton/Economics
"Dodging Up" to College or "Dodging Down" to Jail: Behavioral Responses to the Vietnam Draft by Race and Class.
November 13
Edward Iacobucci, Toronto/Law
"Does Departing from Mandatory Corporate Law Increase Value?"
December 4
David Haddock, Northwestern/Law
Bad Public Goods—CAFE—The Corporate Average Fuel Economy Mandate, with Federico Boffa and Stephania Proporato
December 18
David Autor, MIT/Economics
The Effect of Transfer Income on Labor Force Participation and Enrollment in Federal Benefits Programs: Evidence from the Veterans Disability Compensation Program (with Mark Duggan)
Spring 2009
January 29
Betsey Stevenson, Penn/Wharton
The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness
February 12
James Snyder, MIT/Political Science and Economics
The Returns to U.S. Congressional Seats in the Mid-19th Century
February 26
Richard Craswell, Stanford/Law
When is a Willful Breach ‘Willful’? The Link Between Definitions and Damages
March 12
Edward Morrison, Columbia/Law
Creditor Control and Conflict in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
(with Kenneth M. Ayotte)
April 2
Polk Wagner, Penn/Law
Did Phillips Change Anything? Empirical Analysis of the Federal Circuit's Claim Construction Jurisprudence
April 16
Ronen Avraham, University of Texas/Law
The Impact of Tort Reform on Intensity of Treatment: Evidence from the Heart Patients