2011-2012 LEO Workshop Schedule
Fall 2011
September 8
Daniel Chen (Law & Economics/Duke)
"Insiders and Outsiders: Does Forbidding Sexual Harassment Exacerbate Gender Inequality?"
September 22
Naomi Lamoreaux (Economics & History/Yale)
This is a joint session with the Legal History Forum
"Intermediaries in the Market for Technology in the Late Nineteenth Century United States"
October 6
Jonathan Masur (Law/University of Chicago)
"Patent Inflation"
October 13
Katherine Baicker (Public Health/Harvard)
"The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: Evidence from the First Year"
October 20
Bruce Sacerdote (Economics/Dartmouth)
"From Natural Variation to Optimal Policy? The Lucas Critique Meets Peer Effects"
November 17
Francine Blau (Economics/Cornell)
"The Transmission of Women's Fertility, Human Capital and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generations"
December 8
Einer Elhauge (Law/Harvard)
"A Little Lower Than God: What Should Limit Our Efforts To Redesign Humans?"
Spring 2012
January 26
David Yermack (Stern School of Business/NYU)
"Tailspotting: What Can Investors Learn by Tracking Corporate Jets?"
This is a joint session with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
April 26
Barry Weingast (Political Science/Stanford)
"Countermajoritarian Institutions and Constitutional Stability"
This is a joint session with the Legal Theory Workshop
February 23
David Schleicher (Law/George Mason)
"City Unplanning"
March 8
Kerwin Charles (The Harris School/University of Chicago) Canceled
March 29
Elizabeth Cascio (Economics/Dartmouth)
"Valuing The Vote: The Redistribution of Voting Rights and State Funds Following The Voting Rights Act of 1965"
April 12
Jordan Siegel (Business/Harvard)
"Cross-Border Reverse Mergers: Causes and Consequences"
This is a joint session with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance