2009-2010 LEO Workshop Schedule
Fall 2009
September 17
Joshua Greene, Harvard/Psychology
"Beyond Retribution?: Punishment and Responsibility in the Age of the Brain"
September 24
Steven M.Shavell, Harvard/Law
"The Uneasy Case for Product Liability"
October 8
Daniel Ho, Stanford/Law
"Did a Switch in Time Save Nine?"
October 29
John Armour, Oxford/Law and New York University/Law
"The Berle-Means Corporation in the 21st Century"
Co-sponsored by Center for the Study of Corporate Law; Joint session with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
November 12
Anne Joseph O'Connell, University of California at Berkeley/Law
"Vacant Offices: Delays in Staffing Top Agency Positions"
November 19
The Honorable Richard Posner, 7th Circuit and University of Chicago/Law
"Some Realism About Judges: A Reply to Edwards and Livermore"
Co-sponsored by the Legal Theory Workshop
December 3
Louis Kaplow, Harvard/Law
"Toward a Test for Price Fixing: Communication Prohibition Compared"
Spring 2010
February 25
Thomas Brennan, Northwestern/Law
"Certainty and Uncertainty in the Taxation of Risky Returns"
March 11
Eugene Kontorovich, Northwestern/Law
"Not Just Being There: An Economic Analysis of Fact Witness Payment"
April 1
Esther Duflo, MIT/Economics
"Improving Police Effectiveness: the Rajasthan Experiment"
April 8
Emily Oster, University of Chicago/Economics
"Genetic Adverse Selection: Evidence from Long-Term Care Insurance and Huntington Disease"
April 15
Matthew Kotchen, Yale/Forestry
“Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Indiana”
April 29
C. Scott Hemphill, Columbia/Law
"Patent Portfolios and Generic Drug Challenges"