
2018-2019 Schedule

Fall 2018

Law, Economics, and Organization Workshops meet 4:10-5:40 p.m. in Room 121

August 30
Michelle Mello
Stanford Law School
“Effects of a Communication-and-Resolution Program on Hospitals’ Malpractice Claims and Costs” (by Michelle Mello et al., 2018)

September 13
Cancelled by presenter

September 27
Shai Bernstein
Stanford Graduate School of Business
joint with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
“The Contribution of Immigrants to Innovation in the United States” (with Rebecca Diamond, Tim McQuad, and Beatriz Pousada)

October 11
Zohar Goshen
Columbia Law School
joint with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
“The Death of Corporate Law” (with Sharon Hannes)

October 25
Matthew Jackson
Stanford University, Department of Economics
“The Interaction of Communities, Religion, Governments, and Corruption in the Enforcement of Contracts and Social Norms” (with Yiqing Xing)

November 8
John Graham
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business
joint with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
“CEO-Board Dynamics” (with Hyunseob Kim and Mark Leary)

November 29
Hans Noel
Georgetown University, Department of Government
“Is John McCain more conservative than Rand Paul? Using activists’ pairwise comparisons to measure ideology” (with Daniel Hopkins)

Spring 2019

January 24
Matthew Jennejohn
BYU Law School
joint with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
“ Do Networks Govern Contracts?”

February 7
Leah Platt-Boustan
Princeton University, Department of Economics
“The Intergenerational Effects of a Large Wealth Shock: White Southerners After the Civil War.”

February 21
Adriana Robertson
University of Toronto Faculty of Law
joint with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
Passive in Name Only: Delegated Management and "Index" Investing"

February 28
Special internal session for enrolled students only

March 7
Cancelled by presenter

March 28
Matthew Weinzierl
Harvard Business School
"A Welfarist Role for Nonwelfarist Rules"

April 11
Joe Shapiro
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley
"The Environmental Bias of Trade Policy"