2014-2015 LEO Workshop Schedule
Fall 2014
Sept. 11
Gary Gorton
Yale/School of Management
Banks as Secret Keepers
Joint with Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
Oct. 2
Christian Dustmann
University College London/Economics
The Local Effects of Immigration: Evidence from the Opening of the German-Czech Border
Joint with the Labor/Public Economics Workshop
Important note: Workshop is from 4:00pm to 5:30pm at 28 Hillhouse Ave., Room 106
Oct. 9
Anthony Casey
University of Chicago/Law
The New Corporate Web
Joint with Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
Oct. 23
Anil Kashyap
University of Chicago/Business
How Does Macroprudential Regulation Change Bank Credit Supply?
Joint with Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
Nov. 6
Dora Costa
Asymmetries in Media Coverage of Gains vs Losses: Evidence from the Health Transition
Nov. 20
Paul Schwartz
The Value of Privacy Federalism
Supplemental Memorandum
Spring 2015
Jan. 22
Jeffrey Kling
Congressional Budget Office
Neighborhood Effects on Use of African-American Vernacular English
Feb. 5
Glen Weyl
Microsoft Research New England Lab; University of Chicago/Economics
Quadratic Voting
Cover note (with descriptions and links for four reading options)
Feb. 19
Robert Jackson
How Quickly Do Markets Learn? Private Information Dissemination in a Natural Experiment
Joint with Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
Mar. 5
Shachar Kariv
The Distributional Preferences of Americans (and of an Elite)
Mar. 26
Deborah Beim
Yale/Political Science
Evolution of Conflict in the Federal Circuit Courts
Apr. 9
Janet Currie
Do Strong Treatment Protocols Reduce Disparities in Care: The Case of Asthmatic Children
Apr. 23
Elisabeth de Fontenay
Market Information and The Elite Law Firm
Joint with Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance