2010-2011 LEO Workshop Schedule
Fall 2010
September 2
Ebonya Washington
Economics and Political Science — Yale
“Are the Seeds of Bad Governance Sown in Good Times?” with Antoinette Shoar
Joint session with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
September 23
Joshua Rauh
Kellogg School of Management — Northwestern
"Policy Options for State Pensions Systems and Their Impact on Plan Liabilities" with Robert Novy-Marx
Joint session with the Bert W. Wasserman Workshop in Law and Finance
October 7
Bert Huang
Law — Columbia
"Lightened Scrutiny"
October 21
Jeremy Tobacman
Wharton School of Management — University of Pennsylvania
"Do Payday Loans Cause Bankruptcy?" with Paige Marta Skiba
November 4
Henry Smith
Law — Harvard
“An Economic Analysis of Law versus Equity”
November 18
December 9
Nathaniel Persily
Law and Political Science — Columbia
"Profiling Originalism" with Jamal Greene and Stephen Ansolabehere
Spring 2011
January 27
Peter Leeson
Economics — George Mason University
"Trial by Battle"
February 10
Rachel Kranton
Economics — Duke
"Identity Economics"
March 10
Joseph Doyle
Sloan School of Management — MIT
"Juvenile Incarceration & Adult Outcomes"
March 31
Dhammika Dharmapala
Law — University of Illinois
"Punitive Police? Agency Costs, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Procedure”
April 14
M. Keith Chen
Economics — Yale
"The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets"
April 28
Jonathan Baron
Psychology — University of Pennsylvania
"The ‘Culture of Honor’ in Citizens’ Concepts of Their Duty"