Welcome to the Yale Law School Association (YLSA), a vibrant community of YLS alumni from across the decades and across the world. The YLSA provides the framework and opportunity to create and sustain important connections with your fellow alumni, current YLS students, and YLS faculty and staff. Those connections help ensure that your Law School experience is expansive, not static, and that you can continue to benefit from the richness of the YLS community well after graduation. Please explore this landing page to learn more about the myriad ways you can get involved in YLSA, including connecting with your classmates through class reunions, regional alumni events, and YLSA programs, and with current students through mentoring and career development opportunities. Your participation is critical to building community and connections.
As reflected in this spring’s Homecoming Diversity, the YLSA is committed to principles of diversity, equity and inclusivity and to celebrating our diverse alumni for their many sacrifices and accomplishments. My hope is that all of our alumni can feel a sense of belonging and community through participation in YLSA, and that those who have been less engaged will feel encouraged to reconnect with the Law School. The YLSA community would greatly benefit from your active participation, and I am sure you will find any of the many paths YLSA offers for involvement to be a rewarding experience.
We are particularly excited to welcome the Class of 2023! I know the YLSA will be greatly enriched by your future contributions and hope that you will become active members.
I look forward to seeing you at a future Law School or YLSA event, and I welcome your insights and ideas about how the YLSA can best serve our community.

Leslie M. Gomez
Class of 1995
President, Yale Law School Association