A view of the Sol Goldman courtyard through an arch facing the main Sterling Law building.

For Alumni

Resources to Make Informed Career Decisions

CDO offers individualized, comprehensive, and versatile support to YLS alumni at all stages of their careers.

Our support includes one-on-one counseling and strategizing, resume and cover letter review, and mock interviews. We also offer a large variety of internal and external resources for alumni at every stage of career, and at every juncture of potential job and career transition.

We encourage YLS alumni who have not yet done so to join the Courtyard, YLS’s online community – as well as to take a look at the alumni portions of our website, and to make use of our resources and support, which address all stages of career transition and exploration.

Career Management System

Career Management System

The Career Development Office uses the Career Management System (CMS), powered by Symplicity, to provide the resources to alumni. Net ID required.



Alumni are welcome to conduct one-on-one mock interviews with CDO attorney-counselors at any stage of their careers, and to receive real-time personalized feedback on their performance.
Toolkit for Alumni Job Seekers

Toolkit for Alumni Job Seekers

Guidance on employer research, networking, application materials, and interviewing. It also provides guidance on relocating, returning to work after a leave, handling a layoff, salary negotiation, temporary legal employment, and using a headhunter.
Career Guides

Career Guides & Advice

A range of career guides and resources for alumni across many areas of interest.

A great place that trains leaders must train people who are not just excellent, but loving, kind, humane, and good. And that if I’ve had some part of creating a place that has made that possible, that would be a darn good legacy.”