By learning more about yourself, your employment options, your geographic preferences, and how YLS can provide you with financial support, you will make more informed career choices and increase your chances of long-term job satisfaction.
Self-Assessment Tools
Self-assessment is an important first step in the job-search process. Check out these free online resources to gain more clarity about your values, interests, and strengths.
Jung Typology Test1
This is a free personality test (along the lines of the MBTI) which allows users to understand their preferred ways of interacting with others, taking in information, making decisions, and organizing their time.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter2
This site provides a free, online version of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, a personality test designed to allow job seekers to identify and understand their temperament type.
VIA Character Strengths Survey3
The VIA Survey is the only free, scientific survey of character strengths in the world. Take this simple, 10-minute character test and discover your greatest strengths.
Employment-Assessment Resources
Drafted by CDO career advisors for the YLS community, use these resources to understand and think through your employment possibilities.
Choosing the Right Employer for You4
Self-Assessment - Judicial Clerkships
Location-Assessment Tools
As you consider where you would like to live and work, these tools will help you assess the best fit for your preferences and financial situation.
Find Your Best Place5
Take an online quiz that tells you about the places in the U.S. that best fit your lifestyle.
Cost of Living Calculator6
Compare the cost of living in different cities nationwide using this simple, yet powerful, tool.
Financial Support for YLS Students
You may have concerns about how your job choices could affect your financial situation. Review the information below to understand how YLS can support your employment goals.
Financial Aid for Current Students7
The YLS Financial Aid Office works one-on-one with students to address their unique financial needs.
Financial Support for Public Interest8
As you consider your employment pathways, take time to learn about the financial support available to YLS students pursuing public-interest careers.