
The Study of Law & Political Economy at Yale

About Us

Law and Political Economy (LPE) at Yale is the intellectual home for consideration of questions of political economy at Yale Law School, and supports an interdisciplinary network of scholars who explore connections between politics and the economy, through teaching, scholarship, workshops, and convenings.

Contact Us

LPE Yale
Yale Law School
127 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Office M36

LPE Events

Aziz Rana Coffee Chat with YLS Students

Sept. 18, 2024: LPE-YLS student group will be hosting a coffee chat with Aziz Rana on Wednesday, September 18th at 1:30-3:00 pm ET in Baker 118. Professor Rana will speak about his journey and share experience and advice with YSL students.

The Constitutional Bind with Aziz Rana

Sept. 18, 2024: Please join the LPE Project on Wednesday, September 18th at 12:10 PM ET for a lunch talk with Professor Aziz Rana, the J. Donald Monan, S.J., University Professor of Law and Government at Boston College Law School, to discuss his latest book The Constitutional Bind (The University of Chicago Press, 2024). Learn more and register here.

CT Public Pharma Community Conversation

Sept. 17, 2024: Please join us for a community conversation on Tuesday, September 17th from 6-7:30 PM ET in SLB 120, about public pharma organised with T1 International, which works on behalf of patients with type one diabetes Recently, California passed a law funding the public production of insulin. This panel will consider the potential for public production, including in Connecticut, as an alternative to our current profit-driven pharmaceutical system that leverages the public sector for drug manufacturing, as well as research, development, and distribution. Patient advocates, legislators, and health services researchers will discuss how public pharma can help address the issue of insulin inaccessibility for people with diabetes. Learn more here.

The LPE YLS Welcome Kick-Off Event

Sept. 12, 2024: Please join the LPE YLS and the LPE Project for the Law & Political Economy Welcome Kick-Off to learn about the LPE, meet LPE affiliated faculty and students from the LPE Student Group, and enjoy light refreshments. This will take place on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 5-7 p.m. ET in the Baker Courtyard.

The Accumulation of Waste: A Political Economy of Genocide and Imperialism with Ali Kadri and Max Ajl

June. 26, 2024: On Wednesday, June 26th, the LPE Project held a virtual event featuring Professor Ali Kadri (Sun Yat-sen University) in conversation with Dr. Max Ajl (University of Ghent) on “The Accumulation of Waste: A Political Economy of Genocide and Imperialism.” The conversation was moderated by Dr. Helyeh Doutaghi (Yale Law School). Recording is available here.

Territorial Labor and American Empire: A History of Democratic Avoidance and Constitutional Enervation

Apr. 02, 2024: Please join the LPE Project on Tuesday, April 2rd, at 4:30 ET for a talk with Professor Jedidiah Kroncke, on “Territorial Labor and American Empire: A History of Democratic Avoidance and Constitutional Enervation”.

Participatory Law Scholarship: Reimagining Legal Academia

Mar. 26, 2024: Please join The LPE Project and YLS LPE Student Group for a lunch talk with Terrell “Rell” Carter, Rachel Lopez, and Kempis “Ghani” Songster, on Participatory Law Scholarship: Reimagining Legal Academia on Tuesday, March 26th at 12:10-1:30 PM ET. Carter, Lopez, and Songster have authored the groundbreaking articles “Redeeming Justice” and “Regarding the Other Death Penalty,” among other works. Most recently, Professor Lopez authored an article on Participatory Law Scholarship forthcoming in the Columbia Law Review. These works are part of an emergent genre of participatory law scholarship (PLS), which is legal scholarship written in collaboration with authors who have no formal training in the law, but rather expertise in law’s injustice through lived experience.

The Law and Political Economy of Civil Procedure

Mar. 12, 2024: Please join the LPE Project on Tuesday, March 12 at 4:10-5:10 PM ET for The Law and Political Economy of Civil Procedure. Judith Resnik (Arthur Liman Professor of Law at Yale Law School) will lead a conversation featuring Brooke Coleman, Luke Norris, and Danya Reda on developing an LPE approach to civil procedure. The panel will explore the relationship between procedural rules, democratic demands, and economic power, inequality, and marginalization. The panelists will also consider more broadly what the history of procedure says about the future and role of courts in efforts to construct a more democratic, egalitarian, and inclusive political economy.

Antimonopoly Now: A Conversation on Practice and the Academy with FTC Chair Lina Khan

Mar. 8, 2024: The LPE Project, YLS LPE Student Group, American Constitution Society, Yale Law Democrats, Solomon Center for Health Law & Policy, and Information Society Project joined to host a lunch talk with Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan. Chair Khan, YLS ‘17, discussed key recent initiatives at the FTC and the nature of the agency’s new approach; she explored how the new FTC strategy has evolved in response to recent successes and challenges; and she examined what this all suggests for academic work on these topics.

Elizabeth Wilkins Coffee Chat with YLS Students

Mar. 5, 2024: LPE-YLS student group will be hosting a coffee chat with Elizabeth Wilkins on Tuesday, March 5th, 4-5 PM ET at SLB 108. Former Chief of Staff to Chair Lina Khan at the FTC, and Director, Office of Policy and Planning at the FTC will speak about her journey and share experience and advice with YSL students.

If We Burn With Vincent Bevins

Feb. 29, 2024: Please join the LPE Project and YLS LPE Student Group on Thursday, February 29th at 12:10-1:15 PM ET for a lunch talk with award-winning journalist and author of The Jakarta Method, Vincent Bevins about his latest book, If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution.

Neoliberalism and Capitalism as Keywords

Feb. 23-25, 2024: The LPE Project is thrilled to cosponsor the Neoliberalism and Capitalism as Keywords in Contemporary History Conference which will take place at Yale University, February 23-25, 2024. The keynote speakers will be Isabella Weber (Associate Professor of Economics at UMass Amherst, author of How China Escaped Shock Therapy) and David Edgerton (Hans Rausing Professor of the History of Science and Technology at King’s College London, author of The Rise and Fall of the British Nation).

Administering A Democratic Political Economy

Feb. 2, 2024: The LPE Project hosted a one-day conference on Friday, February 2nd, titled “Administering a Democratic Political Economy.” This convening brought together scholars in administrative law, racial and gender equity, and democracy for an in-depth exploration of the evolving landscape of administrative law scholarship and practice. For those who could not attend in person, a recording of the conference is now available for public viewing here.

Live To See The Day With Nikhil Goyal And Samuel Moyn

Jan. 23, 2024: The LPE Project held a lunch on January 23rd, with sociologist, advocate, and policymaker Nikhil Goyal. Dr. Goyal was in conversation with Professor Samuel Moyn (Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and History at Yale University) to discuss his latest work, Live to See the Day: Coming of Age in American Poverty (Metropolitan Books, 2023), hailed as “A Best Book of 2023” by The New Yorker.

Learn more about LPE

Scenic photo of exterior Yale Law School
Who We Are

Faculty, fellows, and students

Courtyard in spring
LPE Seminar

Taught by Amy Kapczynski, this course examines the relationship between the economy and political life.

Atmospheric detail from courtyard
Yale LPE Student Group

Part of a growing movement in law to expose how legal rules concentrate economic and political power among dominant social groups